Monday, December 7, 2015

Trust and You Shall See the Glory of God‏

Elder Penman and Elder Mulville at Sisters Debbie & Rachel White's home for dinner (THANK YOU!) 
 Elder Mulville and I have been working our brains off this week. We were able to see miracles happen we started teaching so many people.. But that's the problem we are having. We are teaching so many people but some of them won't stick or progress. We have been living with exactness and calling every number that we have access to. We were doing so much this week that sometimes I felt like crawling into bed. Then the alarm for 6:30 would go off and we could barely open our eyes. But it's so rewarding when you have weeks like this....

   The reason we are working with urgency is because the mission has set a high goal of baptisms this month and we have set a goal to have 5 Baptisms this month. We know we need to have faith it will be accomplished, Hope that we will meet the people that will be ready for baptism, and charity.. we need to minister with love to all of those we teach... if it be on the street or in their homes. But something we understand is like it says in 1 Corinthians 3: 6-7, We are not the ones who will make this goal happen. God will be the one who makes this happen.

I have never prayed so hard or fasted this much for divine help to sustain my weak body or for the gift to assist the the Holy Spirit. This led my studies into faith this week.

Nov 2013, Elder Russell M. Nelson
     Faith is a hope for something which is not seen but is true. True faith can only be in Jesus Christ who knows all things and is absolutely perfect, which is important. The reason this is so important is because true faith is complete trust in our savior Jesus Christ. Faith and doubt cannot be entertained by your mind at the same time. Your faith grows and is strengthened by obedience.

As I pondered on this concept I understood the reason for commandments. We live commandments and after we are obedient we receive a witness that it is true and is good from the Spirit helping us have unreserved trust in God. It all made sense because I didn't understand, really, how it is by faith that our sins are forgiven. But in Enos, I found that it is when he is told by the Lord he is forgiven, he trusts him and does not doubt that he is forgiven. I don't know if that makes to much sense but I get it so much!!  We must trust in the Lord with all our heart and not have a single doubt in his power and perfection.. "Obedience brings success, Exact Obedience Brings Miracles".. I know he is perfect, I know His Son is perfect. That is my testimony of the Living God.

Elder Penman

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