Monday, October 13, 2014

Obedience and Accountability

This week we had zone conference and zone development. Zone D was fun. We met up with Glasgow Zone and played a whole bunch of games and sports. We had an amazing meal made by me and Elder Andrews and Elder de Vries. We also had an AMAZING testimony meeting. The spirit is so strong when 30 missionaries are in a very small room bearing their witness of the atonement and the gospel in general. It was so peaceful and happy in the room.
Combined zone development day in Glasgow

Elder Penman's Zone (Paisley Zone?) at combined zone development day
On Thursday, we had Zone conference and we talked about obedience and accountability. I learned that with obedience you gain greater knowledge, great blessings, greater faith, and great spirit. I also learned if you are struggling with your faith and spirituality, you need to make sure you are being obedient to God and his laws. I know for myself when I am more obedient, miracles happen and my faith is better. Also, when I teach, I teach with more force through the Holy Ghost. Being obedient has helped my teaching skills grow in leaps and bounds... so if you feel like you are struggling with faith or spirituality, check if you are being obedient and seek for things you can change to be more obedient.
At Sacrament Meeting yesterday, we were sitting there and a man came in and said he wanted to worship with us and gave us his number and address so we could teach him how. God is good to my companions. I would not be able to even be out here working as hard as we do every day without all His tender mercies and the strength He gives us.
I’ve been studying in Nephi, and have been picking each verse apart. Nephi is a spiritual giant.  He is a very good example of obedience. If I could become half as obedient as him, I would probably baptize all of Scotland.  Nephi is really cool though. He has some crazy adventures with his brothers. If you are looking for something to read, read the beginning of the Book of Mormon. Nephi’s life is so exciting and crazy, especially if you think the stuff that happens to me is crazy. He makes my stories look like very chill situations.
Well, not too much happened this week as you can tell, but I love all of you. Have an amazing week. Ask me any questions you have, and any comments because I would love to read your letters. 

How to deal with boring church meetings?  Paper football

Evidently, Elder Penman must have gone Indoor GoKarting

Typical Elder Penman picture--Goofball.
Love, Elder Penman

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